spongepaint onomatopoeia
~ Jul 31, 2002
major kiltage! yay-hoo! YES!! They all wore kilts today! And Leo twirled! ... Yay! And when they talked about Utilikilts.com as being the Site of the Night, Martin said "Make sure you go to UtilikiltS.com, not Utilikilt.com"... which was what I had posted on their talkback message board earlier this week! *elated* a state of perpetual loserdom According to TheSpark.com's Date-test, I'm 62% dateable, but 80% of the people who have taken it previously are more dateable than me. Maybe 'cause I'm 42% bitch. And I'm going to die on May 5, 2048, most likely from suicide (20%). What a waste of time. Maybe I should go do the laundry. the multitasking experiment Right now, I'm playing Usurper on Wasteland BBS, listening to "Bald Headed Woman" on "The Golden Age of Rock N Roll" station (Live365.com), and taking random quizzes. So, like the lamer I am, there might be a few posted here later. Maybe not. I don't like graphics. Especially when they're connected to some doofy quiz that purports to tell me who and what I am. Ooh, ooh, guess what my "inner flower" is! I'm a rose! "You're idealistic, gentle, sweet.. you may be a hopeless romantic, but your soul is as beautiful as your petals." Give me a break. I'm about as gentle and sweet as a rash. I guess that might be why my "flavor" is nuclear waste. *sigh* What have I learned from all these pointless little tests? Not much. Looks like I'm an old-school coffee drinker, a control freak, in need of a breast reduction, a hard-headed female, a tech-geek goth, and apparently also a Hamtaro. I just found this hilarious picture on someone's LiveJournal, by way of sacrelicious.org. Which is her now-defunct website with little interesting content. Ugh. Why does everything have to suck so much? Grr. Sign up for my mailing list. I have ideas. ~ Jul 30, 2002
residing in a state of perpetual boredom Something's telling me I have to go read the Hrry Pttr books one of these days. And maybe watch "Titanic." Nah, I won't go that far; I'm not a huge fan of Little Master DeCrapio.. I was just looking at the list of "Hot Titles at HCL," and J. K. Rowling's WORK IN PROGRESS Hrry Pttr and the Order of the Phoenix is still number one, captivating 1731 people who are actually going to sit around and wait until she's done writing. So. Yeah. What do you think of the Bush picture? ... Errr.... it had to be done
~ Jul 29, 2002
~ Jul 28, 2002
the great trivia impasse Anyone have suggestions as to what my next quiz on FunTrivia.com should be about? I just wrote one on mucormycosis, but that didn't go over too well. Same with the one about craniofacial anomalies. I just don't understand these people - I spend 3 or 4 hours delicately crafting a perfect quiz, and then nobody takes it. *sigh* ~ Jul 26, 2002
it's sing-a-long time! I'm going to write a song about things I like. And it's going to be to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from that movie where the lady sings a lot and gives away their position to some Nazi foot soldiers.. I think it's called "The Sound of Music." Chickpeas and bulgar and Mid-Eastern cooking, Writing and reading and politics too, Dah dah dah dum diddy dee dah dah doo Well. That's an exercise in futility if I ever saw one. I'll just get back to my PB&J until something starts bothering me. ~ Jul 24, 2002
i swear, i'm not a terrorist
hoo-ray for infomercials I saw the sweetest infomercial last night! These hucksters were selling the "Mighty Titan" titanium knife (which, if you call now, they'll include the French Chef's Knife, the Favorite Knife, 3 Paring Knives, a pair of Reebok Pumps, and 2 cases of Red Bull) which cuts through produce and hammers like nobody's business. There's even a 50 year guarantee, so if this fantastic kitchen implement shatters while you're sawing through an exhaust pipe, they'll give you a new one. My favorite part of the whole commercial, by far, is when the host takes his filet knife and slices a neat little section off a tomato. Then he divides this small bit, sticks it on a card, and says "You can even read through a tomato!" I'm sold on this. I want one of these knives. The Mighty Titan has to be one of my favorite infomercials, right up there with the amazing device that can cook a whole turkey in 15 minutes and the $150 collection of hits of the 60s sold by a former Monkee. ~ Jul 19, 2002
*insert witty title here* Come one, come all, to the fantastic freak show! Actually, I just uploaded a picture of myself. It's really hard to take a self-portrait while aiming the Mavica at the bathroom mirror - see for yourself what you end up with. Why did I do this? Someone asked me to, that's why. I suppose I won't upload a new picture now for another 3 years, like last time. ~ Jul 18, 2002
16.9 ounces of water and two plates of watermelon Last night, I was forced against my will to attend a baseball game. Dragged away from my precious Screen Savers to sit in the sun with some moldy old men on sticky hot bleachers.... definitely not my idea of a good time. Understandably vexed, I went, copy of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency in hand, and watched my brother's team get the crap beat out of them. These two trashy little strumpets from the opposing team came over and sat right in front of me, encroaching on my already limited footspace with their ugly leather handbags, while one of their husbands (which is not to imply each has more than one, though I wouldn't doubt it in this town) plopped down with his enormous umbrella, completely obfuscating my view of the game. Like I was going to watch, anyway. Their stupid kids spilled one of those big blue slushie-pop things all over the bleacher on the step below me, so I made a huge deal of it trying to evacuate the area. "Oh, sure, I'd go sit in the car... if I can get off the bleachers without STEPPING IN THIS SLIME!" So I went to sit in the car. The air conditioner malfunctioned because of me (I'm bad news for technology, ever since this one incident in 8th grade) and I practically died of heat stroke out there, since I don't do this whole "heat" thing. God. Why in the world would anyone actually want to intentionally laze around on a beach on a trip? I'm the kind of person who would vacation in the Arctic Circle. *shudder* ~ Jul 13, 2002
better than aybabtu You know I've seen that g-d thing too many times when I refer to it by its initials.. Anyway, I found (with a little help from The Screen Savers) the greatest Flashvideo ever. It's called "Irrational Exuberance (Yatta)." Check it out. ~ Jul 10, 2002
oh, how i love these useless quizzes... ![]() Take the Which Screen Saver are you? quiz. It's the quiz with oomph! Created by Rachel (oomph) and John (woobyslj) Yeah! Leo rox! I gotta go finish watching "The Screen Savers." ~ Jul 8, 2002
naderlicious Yeah. I got my copy of Unsafe at Any Speed in the mail today, another excellent purchase from eBay. Although... I paid $1.87 for shipping (media mail rulez) and the package, stamped "media mail," said $2.24 or something like that. *shrug* I heart eBay. ~ Jul 2, 2002