time for an angry rebuttal!
Wow, you go away for a year and a half and all the anorexics jump on your back (ow, ow, they're so bony!).
I wonder why these silly little girls bothered posting in the first place - if you're offended by something on the Internet, turn off your computer. Get up and do something else, like eat.
In all the responses to my last angry tirade, I was accused several times of "judging something [I] know nothing about" and being "so ignorant." How do you know this isn't something I've dealt with in my lifetime? How can you label me ignorant for not understanding your pity-seeking, wasteful, artificial "disease?" It would appear that your self-imposed starvation has begun to eat away at the fat and protein-laden brain rattling around in your hollow skull! Anorexia nervosa is not suffering - people dying in Ethiopia because they can't get food in the first place is. Can't you people put aside your own self-esteem issues, relationship problems, what have you, and think about someone else for a change? Find a more constructive, productive way to deal with your life's stressors and you'll make everyone happy.
And for the record, I was anorexic back in 8th grade, before it became trendy. My mother was anorexic in the 70s, having nothing during the day but cigarettes, coffee, and milk. Despite having lost over 50 pounds in a matter of months, I abhorred the creature staring at me in the mirror. But then I wised up and stopped acting a martyr. Now I am satisfied with my body, as imperfect as it may be, and I've found loads of ways to deal with the problems in my life.
In conclusion, the only people with eating disorders whom I pity are those with right temporal lobe lesions (that's a boo-boo in the brain, for those of you not in the know) or other, legitimate diseases.